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Migrated Tidx object into it's own file

Christopher Ramey 12 years ago
committed by cdramey
  1. 2
  2. 139
  3. 138


@ -1 +1 @@
Tidx is a javascript based text indexing library.
Tidx is a simple full text indexing library for Javascript


@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
<input type="button" id="btn_search" value="Search" /> <input type="button" id="btn_search" value="Search" />
<br/><br/> <br/><br/>
<textarea name="output" id="output" rows="25" cols="80"></textarea> <textarea name="output" id="output" rows="25" cols="80"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tidx.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript">
var json = [ var json = [
{"id":"1","name":"Coffey, Moana L.","email":"","city":"College Station","state":"Maine","country":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","rank":90,"desc":"amet ante. Vivamus non lorem vitae odio sagittis semper. Nam tempor diam dictum sapien. Aenean massa. Integer vitae nibh. Donec est mauris, rhoncus id, mollis nec, cursus a, enim. Suspendisse aliquet, sem ut cursus luctus, ipsum leo elementum sem, vitae aliquam eros turpis non enim. Mauris quis turpis vitae purus gravida sagittis. Duis gravida. Praesent eu"}, {"id":"1","name":"Coffey, Moana L.","email":"","city":"College Station","state":"Maine","country":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","rank":90,"desc":"amet ante. Vivamus non lorem vitae odio sagittis semper. Nam tempor diam dictum sapien. Aenean massa. Integer vitae nibh. Donec est mauris, rhoncus id, mollis nec, cursus a, enim. Suspendisse aliquet, sem ut cursus luctus, ipsum leo elementum sem, vitae aliquam eros turpis non enim. Mauris quis turpis vitae purus gravida sagittis. Duis gravida. Praesent eu"},
@ -179,144 +180,6 @@
{"id":"200","name":"Morin, Yoko C.","email":"","city":"Bell Gardens","state":"New York","country":"Turks and Caicos Islands","rank":"56","desc":"Nunc pulvinar arcu et pede. Nunc sed orci lobortis augue scelerisque mollis. Phasellus libero mauris, aliquam eu, accumsan sed, facilisis vitae, orci. Phasellus dapibus quam quis diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce aliquet magna a neque. Nullam ut nisi a odio semper cursus. Integer mollis. Integer tincidunt aliquam arcu. Aliquam ultrices iaculis odio. Nam interdum enim non nisi. Aenean eget metus. In nec orci. Donec nibh. Quisque nonummy ipsum non arcu. Vivamus sit amet risus. Donec"} {"id":"200","name":"Morin, Yoko C.","email":"","city":"Bell Gardens","state":"New York","country":"Turks and Caicos Islands","rank":"56","desc":"Nunc pulvinar arcu et pede. Nunc sed orci lobortis augue scelerisque mollis. Phasellus libero mauris, aliquam eu, accumsan sed, facilisis vitae, orci. Phasellus dapibus quam quis diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce aliquet magna a neque. Nullam ut nisi a odio semper cursus. Integer mollis. Integer tincidunt aliquam arcu. Aliquam ultrices iaculis odio. Nam interdum enim non nisi. Aenean eget metus. In nec orci. Donec nibh. Quisque nonummy ipsum non arcu. Vivamus sit amet risus. Donec"}
]; ];
var Tidx = function()
// _index is the weighted, field-based reversed search term index
this._index = {};
// regex used to find terms inside a value
this.v_rx = new RegExp('[\\w-]+', 'mg');
// regex used to break out terms with a search
this.s_rx = new RegExp('([\\w-]+)(:?:([\\w-]+)){0,1}', 'mg');
// Adds data to index
this.index = function(id, field, value)
var f;
switch(typeof field){
// Don't allow undefined fields
case 'undefined': return;
case 'string': f = field.toLowerCase(); break;
default: f = String(field);
var v;
switch(typeof value){
// Don't allow undefined, null or object values
case 'null': case 'undefined': case 'object': return;
case 'string':
v = value.toLowerCase();
// Don't index empty fields
if(v.length == 0){ return; }
default: v = String(value);
// Add field to field list, as needed
if(this._index[f] == undefined){ this._index[f] = {}; }
// Iterate over discrete searchable terms
var re;
while((re = this.v_rx.exec(value)) !== null){
var v = re[0].toLowerCase();
// If the field in question doesn't have this term already,
// add it.
if(this._index[f][v] == undefined){ this._index[f][v] = {}; }
// Add this id to the reverse index under specific field (f)
// and term (v), if it already exists, increment the weight
if(this._index[f][v][id] == undefined){
this._index[f][v][id] = 1;
} else {
// Conducts a global search for a string (value) globally,
// iterating through all fields.
this.gsearch = function(result, value)
// Refuse empty searches
if(value.length == 0){ return []; }
var v = value.toLowerCase();
// Loop over every field
for(var f in this._index){
// Look for the specified search term
if(this._index[f][v] != undefined){
// If it exists, add the result to r, adding in the weight
for(var i in this._index[f][v]){
if(result[i] == undefined){ result[i] = 0; }
result[i] += this._index[f][v][i];
// Conducts a field specific search for a string (value)
this.fsearch = function(result, field, value)
var f;
switch(typeof field){
// Don't allow undefined fields
case 'undefined': return;
case 'string': f = field.toLowerCase(); break;
default: f = String(field);
if(value.length == 0){ return []; }
var v = value.toLowerCase();
if(this._index[f] == undefined){ return []; }
if(this._index[f][v] == undefined){ return []; }
for(var i in this._index[f][v]){
if(result[i] == undefined){ result[i] = 0; }
result[i] += this._index[f][v][i];
}; = function(search)
var r = {};
var re;
while((re = this.s_rx.exec(search)) !== null){
// Global term
if(re[3] == undefined){ this.gsearch(r, re[1]); }
// Field specific term
else { this.fsearch(r, re[1], re[3]); }
return this.sortresult(r);
this.sortresult = function(o)
var t = [];
for(var i in o){ t.push([i, o[i]]); }
t.sort(function(a,b){ return b[1] - a[1]; });
var r = [];
for(var i in t){ r.push(t[i][0]); }
return r;
var t = new Tidx(); var t = new Tidx();
function load(){ function load(){


@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
var Tidx = function()
// _index is the weighted, field-based reversed search term index
this._index = {};
// regex used to find terms inside a value
this.v_rx = new RegExp('[\\w-]+', 'mg');
// regex used to break out terms with a search
this.s_rx = new RegExp('([\\w-]+)(:?:([\\w-]+)){0,1}', 'mg');
// Adds data to index
this.index = function(id, field, value)
var f;
switch(typeof field){
// Don't allow undefined fields
case 'undefined': return;
case 'string': f = field.toLowerCase(); break;
default: f = String(field);
var v;
switch(typeof value){
// Don't allow undefined, null or object values
case 'null': case 'undefined': case 'object': return;
case 'string':
v = value.toLowerCase();
// Don't index empty fields
if(v.length == 0){ return; }
default: v = String(value);
// Add field to field list, as needed
if(this._index[f] == undefined){ this._index[f] = {}; }
// Iterate over discrete searchable terms
var re;
while((re = this.v_rx.exec(value)) !== null){
var v = re[0].toLowerCase();
// If the field in question doesn't have this term already,
// add it.
if(this._index[f][v] == undefined){ this._index[f][v] = {}; }
// Add this id to the reverse index under specific field (f)
// and term (v), if it already exists, increment the weight
if(this._index[f][v][id] == undefined){
this._index[f][v][id] = 1;
} else {
// Conducts a global search for a string (value) globally,
// iterating through all fields.
this.gsearch = function(result, value)
// Refuse empty searches
if(value.length == 0){ return []; }
var v = value.toLowerCase();
// Loop over every field
for(var f in this._index){
// Look for the specified search term
if(this._index[f][v] != undefined){
// If it exists, add the result to r, adding in the weight
for(var i in this._index[f][v]){
if(result[i] == undefined){ result[i] = 0; }
result[i] += this._index[f][v][i];
// Conducts a field specific search for a string (value)
this.fsearch = function(result, field, value)
var f;
switch(typeof field){
// Don't allow undefined fields
case 'undefined': return;
case 'string': f = field.toLowerCase(); break;
default: f = String(field);
if(value.length == 0){ return []; }
var v = value.toLowerCase();
if(this._index[f] == undefined){ return []; }
if(this._index[f][v] == undefined){ return []; }
for(var i in this._index[f][v]){
if(result[i] == undefined){ result[i] = 0; }
result[i] += this._index[f][v][i];
// Multi-term searching function - this is what you should use to
// search with, returns an array of found ids ordered by weight = function(search)
var r = {};
var re;
while((re = this.s_rx.exec(search)) !== null){
// Global term
if(re[3] == undefined){ this.gsearch(r, re[1]); }
// Field specific term
else { this.fsearch(r, re[1], re[3]); }
return this.sortresult(r);
this.sortresult = function(o)
var t = [];
for(var i in o){ t.push([i, o[i]]); }
t.sort(function(a,b){ return b[1] - a[1]; });
var r = [];
for(var i in t){ r.push(t[i][0]); }
return r;