#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lua.h" #include "lfuncs.h" // replacement print function, outputs to FCGI stream static int LF_pprint(lua_State *l, int cr) { int args = lua_gettop(l); // Fetch the response lua_pushstring(l, "STATE"); lua_rawget(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); LF_state *state = lua_touserdata(l, args+1); lua_pop(l, 1); // fetch limits lua_pushstring(l, "RESPONSE_LIMIT"); lua_rawget(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); size_t *limit = lua_touserdata(l, args+1); lua_pop(l, 1); // If the response isn't committed, send the header if(!state->committed){ lua_getglobal(l, "HEADER"); if(!lua_istable(l, args+1)){ luaL_error(l, "Invalid HEADER (Not table)."); } lua_pushstring(l, "Status"); lua_rawget(l, args+1); // If the status has been explicitly set, send that if(!lua_isnil(l, args+2)){ if(!lua_isstring(l, args+2)){ luaL_error(l, "Invalid HEADER (Invalid Status)."); } size_t len; const char *str = lua_tolstring(l, args+2, &len); if(limit){ if((len+10) > *limit){ luaL_error(l, "Output limit exceeded."); } *limit -= (len+10); } FCGX_PutStr("Status: ", 8, state->response); FCGX_PutStr(str, len, state->response); FCGX_PutStr("\r\n", 2, state->response); state->committed = 1; } lua_pop(l, 1); // Pop the status // Loop over the header, ignoring status, but sending everything else lua_pushnil(l); while(lua_next(l, args+1)){ // If the key or the value isn't a string (or number) throw an error if(!lua_isstring(l, args+2) || !lua_isstring(l, args+3)){ luaL_error(l, "Invalid HEADER (Invalid key and/or value)."); } size_t keylen = 0; const char *key = lua_tolstring(l, args+2, &keylen); if(keylen == 6 && memcmp(key, "Status", 6) == 0){ // Clear the last value out lua_pop(l, 1); continue; } size_t vallen = 0; const char *val = lua_tolstring(l, args+3, &vallen); if(limit){ if((vallen+keylen+4) > *limit){ luaL_error(l, "Output limit exceeded."); } *limit -= (vallen+keylen+4); } FCGX_PutStr(key, keylen, state->response); FCGX_PutStr(": ", 2, state->response); FCGX_PutStr(val, vallen, state->response); FCGX_PutStr("\r\n", 2, state->response); state->committed = 1; lua_pop(l, 1); // Clear the last value out } lua_pop(l, 1); // Clear the table out if(limit){ if(2 >= *limit){ luaL_error(l, "Output limit exceeded."); } *limit -= 2; } FCGX_PutS("\r\n", state->response); state->committed = 1; } size_t strlen; const char *str; for(int i=1; i <= args; i++){ switch(lua_type(l, i)){ case LUA_TSTRING: case LUA_TNUMBER: case LUA_TBOOLEAN: str = lua_tolstring(l, i, &strlen); if(limit){ if(strlen > *limit){ luaL_error(l, "Output limit exceeded."); } *limit -= strlen; } FCGX_PutStr(str, strlen, state->response); break; default: /* Ignore other types */ break; } } if(cr){ if(limit){ if(*limit == 0){ luaL_error(l, "Output limit exceeded."); } (*limit)--; } FCGX_PutChar('\n', state->response); } return 0; } int LF_print(lua_State *l){ return LF_pprint(l, 1); } int LF_write(lua_State *l){ return LF_pprint(l, 0); } int LF_loadstring(lua_State *l) { size_t sz; const char *s = luaL_checklstring(l, 1, &sz); if(sz > 3 && memcmp(s, LUA_SIGNATURE, 4) == 0){ lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "Compiled bytecode not supported."); return 2; } if(luaL_loadbuffer(l, s, sz, luaL_optstring(l, 2, s)) == 0){ return 1; } else { lua_pushnil(l); lua_insert(l, -2); return 2; } } int LF_loadfile(lua_State *l) { size_t sz; const char *spath = luaL_checklstring(l, 1, &sz); lua_pushstring(l, "DOCUMENT_ROOT"); lua_rawget(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); char *document_root = lua_touserdata(l, -1); lua_pop(l, 1); if(document_root == NULL){ lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "DOCUMENT_ROOT not defined."); return 2; } size_t dz = strlen(document_root); if(dz == 0){ lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "DOCUMENT_ROOT empty."); return 2; } size_t hz = dz + sz; if((hz + 2) > 4096){ lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "Path too large."); return 2; } char hpath[4096]; memcpy(&hpath[0], document_root, dz); if(hpath[dz-1] != '/' && spath[0] != '/'){ hpath[dz] = '/'; } memcpy(&hpath[dz+1], spath, sz); hpath[hz+1] = 0; char rpath[4096]; char *ptr = realpath(hpath, rpath); if(ptr == NULL || memcmp(document_root, rpath, dz) != 0){ lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "Invalid path."); return 2; } switch(LF_fileload(l, &spath[0], &hpath[0])){ case 0: return 1; break; case LF_ERRACCESS: lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "Access denied."); break; case LF_ERRMEMORY: lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "Not enough memory."); break; case LF_ERRNOTFOUND: lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "No such file or directory."); break; case LF_ERRSYNTAX: lua_pushnil(l); lua_insert(l, -2); break; case LF_ERRBYTECODE: lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "Compiled bytecode not supported."); break; case LF_ERRNOPATH: case LF_ERRNONAME: lua_pushnil(l); lua_pushstring(l, "Invalid path."); break; } return 2; } int LF_dofile(lua_State *l) { int r = LF_loadfile(l); if(r == 1 && lua_isfunction(l, -1)){ lua_call(l, 0, LUA_MULTRET); return lua_gettop(l) - 1; } else { lua_error(l); } return 0; }